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Can Teething Cause Vomiting?

Understanding The Teething Process

The teething process can cause some discomfort for your baby, but it may not cause any at all. Teething can come along with a variety of symptoms mostly stemming from sore gums as new teeth erupt, but there are also plenty of misconceptions when it comes to exactly which symptoms actually are caused by teething.

Building a better understanding of the teething process, and what to expect during it, can help you recognize when your baby is simply dealing with new teeth or when something else is wrong.

Teething does not cause a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, even though these symptoms have often been associated with teething. Let’s take a look at the most common symptoms of teething, and when you should call your pediatrician.

Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Teething

When your baby starts teething, the process may be characterized by a bit more crankiness than usual, increased drooling, and a tendency to chew or gnaw on anything in sight.

Typically, the first teeth to appear are the two front bottom teeth, followed by the two front top teeth. These first teeth, or the molars, will usually be the most uncomfortable. The most common symptoms of teething include:

  • An increase in drooling due to more saliva
  • Chewing on hands, fingers, and other objects
  • Irritability or general grumpiness
  • Sore, swollen, and tender gums
  • A slight increase in temperature- this should only be by a degree or two, and should not be above 100 degrees Fahrenheit

More concerning symptoms, including fever, diarrhea, and vomiting, have not been proven to be connected to teething. Thus, you should never assume that teething is the cause of these issues. If your baby does start vomiting or showing any of these symptoms, you should call your pediatrician promptly so that any illness or other problem can be addressed.

How You Can Help Ease Teething Symptoms

If your baby is experiencing some pain and discomfort while they are teething, there are a few ways that you can help soothe their sore gums.

These include:

  • Rubbing or massaging your baby’s gums: You can use a clean finger or some wet gauze to gently massage your baby’s gums. With this method, the pressure helps ease some of the discomfort.
  • The wet washcloth method: This method entails dampening a washcloth, twisting it, and placing it in the freeze until frozen. The frozen washcloth can then be given to your child for them to gnaw on, or you can choose to use it to massage their gums. A chilled spoon or cold, but not frozen, teething ring can also work in a similar manner.
  • Frozen fruit: If your baby has already been introduced to solid foods, you can offer them some frozen banana or frozen berries- these double as both a delicious snack and a fun way to relieve a little bit of pain.

Sometimes, these kinds of at-home remedies might not be enough to calm your uncomfortable baby. If this is the case, and they are having a particularly rough time, you can try some acetaminophen to take the pain away.

Genexa’s Kids’ Pain & Fever acetaminophen oral suspension can help soothe minor aches and pains, and it is made with the same active ingredient as Children’s Tylenol®. If your child is under 3 years of age, you should consult your doctor before trying this medicine just like you would with other products.

Genexa is the first clean medicine brand, and they are committed to revolutionizing the medicine aisle by offering real, clean medicine made with the same active ingredients you need, but without artificial fillers. They make medicines with the same active ingredients as leading OTC brands, but without the artificial, inactive ingredients. They were founded by two dads who know the struggle of having a hard time finding great quality, clean products -- because, let’s face it, every parent wants the best for your kids.

Vomiting During Teething: A Sign of Reflux?

Vomiting is not directly caused by teething, and if your child begins to vomit while they are going through the teething process, you should never assume that the two things are related.

That said, if your baby struggles with reflux issues, there may be a link here. It is possible that the teething process may make reflux worse because of the potential for excess saliva to upset your child’s tummy. When a new tooth is growing in, your baby may experience worsened symptoms of reflux.

This worsening of reflux symptoms may also be caused by the simple fact that teething disrupts your baby’s normal routine, throwing off their tiny body a little bit.

If you are not sure if your baby is dealing with acid reflux, you should get in touch with your pediatrician. Your doctor will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and when it comes to your baby’s health, it is always best to play it safe!

Other Causes of Vomiting

There are a wide variety of reasons why your child may be vomiting, which is why you should consult your pediatrician if this symptom appears.

Some causes of vomiting in young children include:

  • Viral gastritis, which is a stomach infection caused by a stomach virus
  • Food allergies: in this case, vomiting would come on quickly after your baby eats whatever they are allergic to
  • Coughing: If your child coughs too hard, they may throw up. This is particularly common in children struggling with acid reflux.
  • Kidney infections
  • Pyloric stenosis: This is when the channel between the stomach and the gut is too narrow, and this is a very serious issue -- this occurs in infants less than 12 weeks of age

When To Call Your Pediatrician

If your child is vomiting at all, you should call your doctor, but there are certain cases where vomiting signals something particularly severe.

If your child has a fever alongside their vomiting, or if they are vomiting as well as having diarrhea, this signals that something is wrong. Additionally, if they look or act very ill, are vomiting up everything they consume, or are known to have a weak immune system, these are other signs that medical attention is needed.

If your child spends a lot of time around other babies, like in a daycare setting, they may have caught the stomach bug. While teething, children often stick their hands and fingers in their mouth, and if those hands and fingers are covered in germs, it comes as no surprise that they might get sick. Regardless, you should get in touch with your doctor.

The Bottom Line

Though teething can cause a variety of symptoms, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting are not included in the list.

If your baby starts showing these symptoms during the teething process, you should call your pediatrician. Assuming that these symptoms are just part of the process could cause your child harm, as they are common symptoms of illness.

That said, children who struggle with acid reflux may be more likely to experience increased vomiting when they are teething, and this is because all of the extra saliva they are producing can bother their tummy or make them gag. Little ones with acid reflux sometimes have very sensitive gag reflexes, so this can result in vomiting.

In any event, if your baby is vomiting, you should always play it safe and call your doctor so that any illness or other issue can be treated accordingly! Vomiting is most often the result of highly treatable causes, and with a little TLC, your baby should be back to normal shortly.


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